Tokoin Digital Platform Highlights Blockchain Technology
Tokoin Digital Platform Highlights Blockchain Technology

To support the growth and productivity of the MSME sector, Tokoin holds a public discussion event with the theme "Business Solutions for MSME Acceleration in Developing Markets. By presenting experts in the fields of business and technology, this discussion will explore aspects of Blockchain technology and its application in the MSME business process.
As the owner of the largest number of MSMEs in the Asian region, Indonesia has succeeded in giving birth to approximately 57 million MSME business actors.
It is well known that the economic activities of MSMEs can increase up to 60% of Indonesia's GDP, this figure is predicted to be able to absorb labor to reach 97% of the current number.
Various attempts were made by the government and the private sector to motivate the productivity and growth of MSMEs, but there are some obstacles that are difficult to overcome by pioneers and MSME businesses.
One of them is background information on business actors that do not meet the reputation standards recognized by the government and formal financial institutions, so that it is difficult for MSMEs to obtain business assistance, for example business loans.
In this discussion in Jakarta (1/14/2019), TOKOIN revealed a business idea, which was based on a passion to help MSMEs. Through Blockchain technology, TOKOIN will provide facilities to build business credibility through Digital Business Identity and Digital Ledger which record transaction data as valuable assets
Tokoin Ways to Help MSME Businesses Stay in Good Condition
As a coffee shop owner, Deni has to spend money almost every month on product needs and payment of various invoices as the business capital of his coffee shop.
Business capital in cash, or assets that can be easily monetized, is used as daily operational financing for business entities.By having accurate information about working capital, you can plan and manage your business appropriately. In addition, it will be easier when it's time to make investment decisions.
In a coffee shop business, the business capital needed will include:

With the illustration above, shopping lists and nominal in each month is not always the same. Because the list of needs will be adjusted to the supply of food.
As a coffee shop owner, all monthly purchases and payments, Deni has to adjust expenses to allocate business funds. As a way out so as not to disrupt business capital when balancing with its expenses, Deni may have to reduce the allocation of funds for food.
In purchasing through the Tokoin platform, Deni might be able to maintain business funds in a healthy condition. As a derivative of the B2B business ecosystem, Tokoin offers a variety of benefits, one of which is providing efficiency in the distribution of supply chains. This can cut any costs that are not needed.
As a result, Tokoin can help Deni manage as much capital for his coffee shop as possible by lowering purchase costs.Because Deni can directly buy the product directly to the seller.
Effectiveness in purchasing can occur due to data distribution under the Tokoin platform. Deni as a buyer in the B2B ecosystem has information about business needs and the amount, which has been entered beforehand. This information has been recorded as nodes under the blockchain system and forms a variety of ways to be distributed directly to anyone who needs it.
This data distribution makes it easy for sellers to put their products more precisely into a particular market, in this case, Deni's Coffee Shop. Conversely, as a data supplier, Tokoin will provide discounts to Deni as a direct benefit for its purchases. Then, the good business reputation of the transaction timestamp through blockchain technology as an indirect benefit.
Tokoin itself is a blockchain based platform, all data information is recorded accurately using cryptography, the data is stored into blocks, including timestamps. If a data set of information has been recorded into a block, the data becomes eternal and is governed by the rules of the network. Every change made in each block can make a new block connected to the previous block. This means that when there is information entered, the information will still be there. The information can be trusted because the data cannot be changed or manipulated without leaving a trace.
Because the timestamp on a transaction has the potential to be the most important part of business development, this can be a measure of whether the company can repay obligations such as loans and the estimated time needed for repayment.This can help institutions to avoid problems with business people who operate without adequate funds.
For info tokens
This is a user who is involved in Tokoin business activities. MSMEs as data providers, send their transaction data activities via Tokoin dApp. Tokoin process and validate data into valuable assets. Partners can get data by risking the SHOP shop.
1. Token Name: SHOP
2. ICO Token Type: ERC-20
2. Total Token Supply: 2,000,000,000 SHOP
4. Token Sales: 700,000,000 SHOP
(35% Token Supply)
5. Hard Hat: $ 25,000,000
6 Soft Cap: $ 8,000,000
Token Allocation
1. ICO Contributors - 35%
2. Industrial Funds - 40%
3. Treasury - 10%
4. Team & Initial Contributors - 10%
5. Advisors - 5%
Use of Funds
1. Product Development - 50%
2. Marketing & BD - 35%
3. Operations - 10%
4. Recommendations - 5%

Start the TOKOIN Project
Token TOKOIN Personal Sales and Pre-Sales
TOKOIN Development & distribution wallet
Grand Launching TOKOIN
Token Token sold the lot
Advisory Blockchain Onboard for ecosystem TOKOIN
Launch of POC in TestNet
Onboard Warehousing partnered with ecosystem TOKOIN
Financial Partners Onboard to ecosystems TOKOIN
Extend local operations to 10 cities rate of 1 in Indonesia
Launch machinery Reputation Data
Launches Data Visualization platform
Launches the
OnboardPartner Suite platform, 50,000 users in the TOKOIN 2020 ecosystem
Launches dApps on MainNet
LaunchesTOKOINPOS System
Launches Data Exchange platform for token stacking and loyalty programs
Extends local operations to all capital cities in Indonesia
Onboard, 10,000 users on TOKOIN POS systems
Launches TOKOIN POS Systems
Expands hyper-local pilot operations to Thailand
Onboard 1000 users to the TOKOIN ecosystem in regional hyper-local markets
Develop AI solutions for TOKOIN to scale up Operation
Expand hyper-local operations to Vietnam and the Philippines
Onboard, 500,000 users to TOKOIN Ecosystems in the Indonesian market
Expand local operations to the top 10 cities in Indonesia
Onboard 50,000 users in the TOKOIN ecosystem
1. Reiner Rahardja
Co-Founder & CEO
2 Indonesia's top successful young entrepreneurs under 40 years
Accelerating the Indonesian economy in various MSME developments using a non-profit organization, The Accelerator
Has diversified portfolios in several major industries in Indonesia
The parent group consists of multi-industry portfolios, for example: Andesite Mining, General Trading, Fisheries and Maritime, Corporate Merchandising, Retail Products,
2. Welly Salim
Technology Leader with 15+ years of experience
Former Vice President in Engineering and Operations, acquired by Customink
Former MYOB
Ex Tech LeadIteration Managerfrom, helps get them registered with ASX
Founders of the early social networks in Southeast Asia (,,, acquired by NX, registered at MYX
University of Strathclyde (MBA in Strategic Management)
3. Andri Handoko
Product R&D Specialist
Co-Founder of BlockSphere - Blockchain Venture Studio
18 years of experience in Enterprise & Fintech Application Solutions
1. Tiago Alves
Asia Pacific VP Advisor
at Aptoide
12 Years at Portugal Telecom
2. Dahlan Iskan
One of the top 100 Forbes entrepreneurs in Indonesia
MogulIndonesianmedia, founder and former CEO of Jawa Pos Group
Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)
3. Engeline Tjia
25+ years of experience in strategic & commercial marketing
Former K24 CEO
Former Marketing Director LotteMart Indonesia
Former Marketing Director Carrefour Indonesia

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